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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Tips of Becoming a Certified Public Accountant

I have listed some of my simple ways of passing the CPA board exam. These were the things I did that somehow made me pass the board exam. I have subdivided it into two, the first one is about a person's manner and the next group is about study tools and techniques.

Here are my tips:

1. Have a good time management.
I made myself a study schedule and I followed it strictly. I always see to it to have enough time to study and time to rest and relax. Similarly, make a schedule of your activities and keep it balanced. Remember, 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.'

2. Stay focused
It is true that there should be time to relax and unwind even during the review period, but most of your time must be to study. Remember, focus your mind to your goal--to be a CPA.

3. Study well and have best quality of study period.

It doesn't matter if you read ALL the Accounting books and didn't retain it in your head. What is more important is the best study quality. Know the test pointers and focus mainly on these. Also, study the basic and most importantly the standards.

4. Be humble and ask help.

If there are certain things that you don't understand or are not clear to you, be humble and ask help. Don't pretend that you understand ALL. but instead, ask help from reliable persons, like your professors, if you are confused even in the littlest accounting matter.

5. Be observant and resourceful.

Always know the latest review books. You don't have to buy all of it but you can always find ways to secure a copy of these (you may perhaps borrow from someone or from the library). Research and seek for previous actual exam questions. In certain cases, there are old exam questions which are repeated. The probability is 50:50. But there is nothing to lose.

6. Know your BEST time to study.

There are people who are nocturnal, others are diurnal. As for your case, know yourself. There are people who can memorize well or retain study materials on daytime and others prefer nighttime. KNOW YOURSELF. As for me, I prefer to study at night until dawn. Honestly, I am nocturnal.

Study Tips

7. Read, understand and take notes.

Read the accounting books not just those review books which are often summarized. If possible, read it more than once. Apply the concepts in problem-solving questions to test yourself if you've understand something. Take notes of what you've read so that you can read it some other time for simple recall.

8. Test yourself.

Study those review books and previous actual exam questions. But first of all, remember to read the standards and go back to the basic. Then, apply the concepts in certain theory or analytical questions. Answer the questions and explain to yourself why you come up with those answers. If confused, relax...just study that certain topic or seek others' help. Don't pressure yourself since it will hinder you from retaining the topic.

9. Good study tools usage.

As I've said, when reading certain topics, take down notes. Write it at the space of the books near that important key points. If possible, summarize those topics your OWN WAY. Read it wherever you go (if possible). Possible write it in a small index card. For those topics which requires memorization (formula, laws, standards) write it on 'post-it' memo pads (sticky notes) and put it in your room. Stick it on the wall where you can always see it. In my own personal experience, the capital budgetting formula were written on those sticky note pads and I posted it on the wall near my bed so that I can easily see it when i wake up.

10. Be inspired.
As for me, I always trust in God and I bear in mind that my family will be happy if I succeed.

Actually, i also did some techniques that others call 'DUMMIES TECHNIQUES'

Dummies' Technique that works( this is not accurate)

1. Color Coding Technique
I associate my study progress with colors. Before I study, I look at closely anything that is colored YELLOW.
Reason is, YELLOW, means caution. According to my review instructor, looking at this color can prepare the brain for retention. Just imagine the color yellow in traffic light. It prepares the drivers either to stop or go.

If I am tired of studying, I look at the color GREEN to relax my eyes

If taking down notes, I use different colors. Most importantly I use RED pen for items that confuses me.

2. Icons Technique
In writing notes, I draw icons that can give me a clue about that certain topic or accounting standard.

3. Desperados' Technique in answering questions.

According to my review instructor, in desperate situations we have no chose but to use this technique.

Elimination Technique-Since the exam is a multiple choice question, we can use this technique. If there are 4 choices, we have 25% in of getting the right answer. Still, understand and examine the question. Then, eliminate the very obvious wrong choices. Then choose the nearest choice based on what you know so far.

2.Over-the-top Technique-Here you just have to read and understand the questions. Sometimes the answers are just found in the questions itself and there is no need in solving it. (Examples are certain Management Services questions

Anyway, what matters most is to study well and have much preparation. Taking the CPA board exam is like going out of war. Obviously, we DON'T want to go to a battle with no weapon nor training. Similarly, in taking the exam, you have to be very well prepared and well equipped. Don't forget to be physically and mentally prepared. Be inspired, study well but stay healthy.

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